Narrow gauge, steep cliffs, tons of tourists     [Jul 6, 2023]

↩ Lazing in the close quartered gravel [Jul 5, 2023] ↪ Alaska Highway sounds cold but it is over 30 degrees today [Jul 7, 2023] This trip's travel Calendar Back Home

Konked out in Carcross.

Map - To Skagway and back Stop and go, but no traffic Swaying and bumping on the White Pass railway We heard every language on earth in Skagway Should have stayed silent about visiting Carcross

Pioneer RV Park, Whitehorse YT (1 star)

Well, where to start Lee says. Today was the day we took the bus and train to Skagway, Alaska.

As you will see on the web pages above, we had quite the experiences in the bus, on the train and in Skagway.

Today was truly "an adventure"! A train, a bus, and a wander filled with wonder. The scenery up here in the North is spectacular. Photos tell it all.