The fourth day at Rockin the Fields of Minnedosa     [Jul 31, 2022]

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Still more great rock and roll.

Streetheart Honeymoon Suite Tommy DeCarlo Harlequin

Rockin' the Fields, Minnedosa MB (2 stars)

What a day this has been. The driving force behind coming to the Rockin the Fields of Minnedosa was to see Streetheart and as it turned out, to see them for the 40th time. It turned out like no other time we had seen them perform. The time we spent with the band members backstage before and after their set was amazing. They are true friends.

Honeymoon Suite and Harlequin exceeded our expectations as two of our favourite bands. And Johnny DeCarlo made us feel as if we were at a Boston concert.

Not back at the Schooner until well after 1 AM and finally some sleep around 3 AM after our usual late evening coffee.

There really are no words that can describe the "high" of sitting with the Streetheart band members and spouses as friends, talking about real life, families, pets. These are friends with jobs in the entertainment industry. To be able to hear their stories, their reality of a lot of travel, time away from home and loved ones, the things we just don't even think about as we sing along to the their songs, whoop and holler, clap and cheer as one with the crowd who are all here to see and hear a band and music of our teen years that has carried us from 17 through to our 70's!

And that was only part of the day's memories that will put smiles on our faces forever. Getting a little green card from a band member to hang on the lanyard around our necks that gave us stage access while the band played was an honour!

Standing with Kathy and Kim, band spouses and dancing behind the scenes (on stage right at the back!) to the music was a 'pinch me' moment. And then being one of those photographers I've enviously watched capture photos from the ground right in front of the stage. Yes, oh what a night that didn't end there!

As Lee notes, a further three sets of our faves we have followed over the years. Yes, some band members change but with a few exceptions, we go to hear the band's songs - regardless of who is actually performing them today. The bands' legacies carry on.

The buzz in the ears will fade. The memories hopefully never will.