Wind, waves and wittle cwitters     [Jun 22, 2023]

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Skitters find a way in.

Meziadin Lake Provincial Park, Meziadin Lake BC (2 stars)

Lee grumbles that we were swatting mosquitoes off and on during the night. They are pretty bad in this campground and they find a way into the Schooner.

After breakfast we took a walk through the campground to get some different views of the lake and the island just off shore.

Lee noticed that the mosquitoes are still finding a way into the Schooner. They seem to show up more as the sun is coming up. Co-incidentally, the bikers who stayed a few spots away were already up before 6 am having breakfast and getting ready to go. Maybe early to bed and early to rise is the answer. Not exactly our modus operandi though, it may be a tough adjustment.

It was a slap happy night - and even though it was not cold, we were snuggled under the covers head to toe. A few mozzies still managed a meal. I'm trying not to scratch! The skies were not cloudy and a sunset glow kept the stars from shining.

A breeze has picked up, so hopefully we will be able to enjoy another evening BBQ and outside sit behind the Schooner. What a beautiful view.

Rings of water are constantly forming as the fish are poking their noses and mouths out to grab the bugs in the water.

Up before 6 a.m. really