To the mainland and back.
Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)
Lee's brother-in-law continues to have medical difficulties. We had determined it best if we went over and brought him and his truck back to Parksville. Instead, he went into hospital and we came back only with his truck. We are hopeful we can bring him back in a few days.
Lez is sleepy. We spent the day up at 5 am to meet mom at 6 am to drive us to catch a ferry as foot passengers and then a cab to White Rock to pick up Ralph's truck, clear out his hotel room, and then bring him back to the island. Plans didn't quite work out that way, as he will be in the hospital in White Rock for an undetermined timeline as doctors try to determine why he is still in excruciating pain all over. We stayed with him for a few hours, and headed back to catch a ferry back to the island. The last dose of a med had settled him down enough for him to actually fall asleep.