Dutch humour     [Dec 13, 2023]

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Indiana Jones on the TV.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

OK, so let's take a day off from scanning and memorabilia.

We go out to do a bit of shopping. One of the stores is the Coombs Wooden Shoe Dutch Market. We go there quite often (Lez pines regularly to stock up on her favourite Dutch goodies). I always chuckle at the sign on their front door.

A cool steady breeze this morning, with close to 200 Canada Geese in the water and on the shore on the other side of the water channel behind us. What a sight! Heading off this morning for a coffee catch-up with Chris, and a visit at mom's with Ralph and Simona too.

It was time to stock up with various goodies and necessities from the the Old Country Market and the Wooden Shoe Dutch Import Store in Coombs. We ended our day watching the original Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark which was released in 1981. Details one forgets over time, and the story line adventure makes that movie as entertaining as the first (and second and third or more) time we saw it.