Flushing the hot water system     [Nov 29, 2023]

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We were blown out.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Yup. The Oceanside Generals got blown out 7-1 tonight. Lez and I do not recall such a bad loss since we started going to the games. Hey, that's hockey.

Earlier in the day, Lee emptied and flushed the water heater. The things you have to do when you live in an RV.

Coffee day with Chris today, and Lee joined us too. We had no end of conversation of European adventures and enjoyed the coffee/hot chocolate and hearty cookies that Bradley's offers.

Now back at the Schooner and I am looking at what project needs attention today. It is overcast with a variation of cloud cover. Chores are still needed, as Lee is now outside tending to some of the maintenance chores, cleaning out the water tanks. It is cool inside the RV today, we will be using the furnace to up the comfort level. Gloves don't work well on a keyboard. GRIN.