Zwaal Family Story

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A little bit about ourselves

New web site is in the works. Stay tuned!

Lee is working hard to migrate our website to a new data storage method. This will make it easier and quicker to build new web pages.

Up to now, the web site has only shown our Roads Less Gravelled adventures from 2020 to 2024, and our recent life in Edmonrton

Our upgraded software will allow Lee to start adding all those other photos and stories that he has been saving up. Things like all of Lee and Lez's travels over the last 50+ years, our adventures in renovating homes over the years, our kids growing up, and more.

Some of the first topics we will publish might contain:

- Our earliest trips to Europe

- Our woodcutting adventures over the years

- Dad Worel's canoeing trips to Northern Saskatchewan

- Concerts and bands we have seen in concert

- Our pets over the years.

And much more.

Check back again soon!

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