Stories we want to share

Milow Worel's Canoe trips in Northern Saskatchewan Back Home

We have some stories to tell.

After being together for over 50 years, Lee and Lez have some stories we'd like to share.

Our website is centered on our two lives and that of our children. There are sections about our current adventure, the "Roads Less Gravelled" and there will be one for our day-to-day lives before we sold everything and started this full-time RV adventure. There will also be one for all those trips we took over the years.

That leaves us with all those other stories. There will be sections for extended family stories, our house building adventures, following our favourite rock and roll bands, stories about our cars, our pets and of course, people we have met.


You get to know people in the strangest of ways. On the way to the washroom, at a meet and greet after a concert, in a campground, or through our children. These pages highlight some of them.