A steam locomotive through the prairie     [Sep 3, 2023]

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Riding the rails.

Town of Stettler Campground, Stettler AB (2 stars)

We took the ride on the Prairie Heritage train out of Stettler today. Today's train was pulled by a steam locomotive and included a BBQ steak buffet at the end near Warden, a hold-up by some cowboys, games, music and rides. We had a great time.

We have just returned from today's adventure which included a four hour rail excursion on board a vintage passenger train and a full course buffet style meal, entertainment, sightseeing AND a train robbery by the Pump Car Bandits. The destination of our Alberta Prairie excursion was the Country Hideaway at Warden Junction. Entertainment included a local singer, a children's barrel train and old-time carnival games. An absolutely wonderful day, with cooperative not too hot weather!