Up on Whiskey Fill Road     [Aug 20, 2023]

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Beer guzzling and train spotting.

Irvins RV Park, Valemount BC (2 stars)

What a lazy day in nice weather. We did something we rarely do - we sat outside with a coffee before breakfast. Problem was, we were outside so long, that breakfast became lunch. Some problem.

We headed off into Valemount and poked along the Whiskey Trail Road for a bit and then back to the Conservatory Marsh, at which we took a few photos. Then it was back into Valemount in time to catch a CN train rumbling through town followed by a much anticipated growler fill-up. That was enough excitement for one day. LOL

We are so laid back, chilled out, ooohhmmm LOL!

A lazy wait for the CN train to come through (and I could wave at the train Engineer), and gosh! Lee and I had to talk! A bit of consideration discussion for the next few days, do we stay, do we move on

Memories for me of the days living in Regina on Broder Street. I was just a kid, but LOVED watching the puffer belly (the big black steam engine!) leave the Imperial Oil Refinery. The cloud of the engine's smoke trailing over the rail cars behind the engine is still an image I hold. New engines are clean, and the train waits for nothing. In an instant it has passed and the earth stops shaking.

Dinner back at the RV, pepperoni sticks and beer. The campsite is fllled with the familiar sound of the train's horn as we eat dinner outside. It is too nice to waste this sunshine and sit inside.

Lee has gone to check to see if we can keep this site for another day or two.