We had a dam good time today.
Map - Fort St. John to Hudson's HopeDinosaur Campground, Hudson's Hope BC (2 stars)
We headed down highway 29 after breakfast in the direction of Hudson's Hope. Our objective was to see two dams on the Peace River. Along with the Site C dam that we saw a couple of days ago, this makes up (or will make up) the majority of power generation in BC.
The Peace Canyon dam is just outside Hudson's Hope and has the biggest turbines of the three. The W.A.C. Bennett dam is the largest. It is an earth filled dam and holds back Williston Lake, the biggest man made lake in North America. We took the tour, which included a bus ride across to the other side of the dam. The size of everything here is staggering. The amount of earth fill, if shaped into a three meter high by three meter wide wall, would stretch from Vancouver to Halifax.
After returning to Hudson's Hope, we picked a few things at the farmers market and then drove back to the campground, seeing a black bear in a field and some mule deer in the campground.
The conservation officer was tending to a bear trap in the campground. It had suddently snapped shut while we were untethering the Schooner. He thinks it might have been the strong wind. The trap has been reset and the campground maintenance folks who were in the campground had just seen a bear nearer to the lake (created by the Peace Canyon dam).
So we're making supper and we see a black bear on the other side of Chuck. He then ambles past us and heads in the general direction of the bear trap. The smell of apples and sardines must have been overpowering. In a few seconds, he climbs into the trap and the door swings shut. Boy, oh boy. Is he ever ticked off now. The bear trap trailer is shaking and rattling.
We call it in and before long the Conservation people are here. They hook up the trap trailer and haul it away.
Today we packed up and headed into more northern country. Chuck, the truck turned 63 at noon today. Yes, 63,000+ kms have been travelled since its purchase in 2020.
Our lunch stop view was beside wild grasses, backed by tall evergreens, with low ranges of mountains behind that. So peaceful, so beautiful. We travelled on.
We arrived for the night at Dinosaur Lakes RV Park, near Hudson's Hope. Dry camping - that is no power, no water. We are on our own, no quick 7-11 close by, and are duly prepared. Except for .
We (I) can bearly contain myself. LOL. Our dining nook gave us a great entertainment and a safe view as the bear checked out the area. Meanwhile, a deer across the is road watching and not moving.
We watched the bear as it snooped around Chuck, fortunately no smelly food wafting outside. The bear continued his sniffing which led him to a bear trap with a food source inside. It poked into and then wandered right into the container and slam . the door locked shut. One angry beast can make a lot of noise as it tries to find a way out of a metal can.
Lee walked over to the bear trap and got the Conservation phone number and let them know the bear was contained.