Hobbes and Brewster sniff noses     [Mar 23, 2022]

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The dipsy-doodling was not enough to win the game.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Today was the first game of the VIJHL final series. Curious refereeing cost us a 2-1 loss.

At one point Lez got frustrated with the ways in which Generals players tried to do it all by themselves hoping to skate through the opposition. She shouted out 'Quit dipsy-doodling around' in reference to both the play on the ice and the fact the game was being played in the Howie Meeker Arena. That drew some laughs from the fans sitting around us.

Lez is now into photography mode. The morning brought a heavy soaker rain storm, and a very grey world. Lee went out and did the 'chore' run. I worked on editing the photos from yesterday. Then a walk along the Sea Wall took us around to look at the estuary and noted a lot of wildlife activity. The Brant Geese have arrived, and they along with the gulls were out on the sand spits of Parksville Bay. Back at the estuary the Great Blue Heron, Canada Geese, Black Tailed Deer and a pair of big black Crows were juggling space and confrontation on the estuary. That Heron sure makes a loud gruff sound. The Canada Geese and deer were 'discussing' territorial rights.

Lee did a few site 'chores' and I took pictures of the estuary ruckus. Hobbes observed all the goings on, finally settling on the picnic table, frustrated that he could not jump into the 'basement' storage area under the Schooner.

A quick Greek Salad and Spanikapita were enjoyed for dinner. We are now on our way to the first game of the playoff season - the Oceanside Generals vs Peninsula Panthers. Stay tuned.