A day around Revelstoke     [Sep 29, 2022]

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Back alleys and hair pins.

The Revelstoke alleries Meadows in the Sky

Revelstoke RV Park (2 stars)

What a day. First we enjoy a large set of eclectic art in the back alleys of Revelstoke, called Art Alleries, a play on the word galleries. Very nice local art. We speak to a local who says Revelstoke has becomes somewhat of an artsy place. It certainly hits us right. Second, we drive the never ending hair pins on the road to Meadows in the Sky in Mount Revelstoke National Park. We believe we have never driven that high with our own vehicle before. Truly beautiful and painted in fall colours.

An interesting night of sounds. We are docked under oak trees and oaknuts and apples/pears are continuously falling on the roof! Not super noisy, but a little clunk all the same! Hail stones hit harder. Also, the CP mainline runs close to the highway, and we are camped close to the highway. Even though traffic is quieter in the evening, semi's engines are loud and the sound carries - especially when they use their retarder brakes - which they are not supposed to do. But fortunately we are heavy sleepers and only my snoring wakes me up.

In spite of the nightime drumming, this is quite a nice spot to be in. Well sheltered in the trees, and at the moment with an overnight of 11C, we were very comfortable in here, and did not use the fireplace heating until waking up.