The smell of baked bread fills the air     [Feb 20, 2024]

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It's raining, might as well wash more of the Schooner interior.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Very domesticated day. Making bread, washing floors, etc. Oh, and watching the poor suckers who have to walk their dogs in the rain.

Get a cat.

A gloomy grey rainy day. Winter in Parksville. Rivulets of rain drops adorn the back window and block the view of a very wet Shelly Park and estuary. The geese are hunkered down along the shore - the weather isn't even fit for geese! Even the deer are not to be found. Eagle has no doubt found a dry spot in Shelly Park. I even brought a device that rarely is used these days - the iron! (for the scarf LOL).