What movie is that really     [Feb 1, 2024]

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Youtube curiosities.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

When the rain is pouring, we tend to stay inside and watch movies to pass the time. Lee has an observation on the wasteland known as YouTube. When searching for some interesting movies, do not always rely on the movie title shown on the search list. Many of them have been illegally uploaded by someone in a foreign country, usually by capturing the video from a legitimate feed. This results in some interesting clips. Many are missing the opening credits and many have a title different than the movie actually recorded. In some cases, Lee is not sure how, the movie has been captured and loaded backwards, resulting in all text, images and scenes showing in reverse. YouTube is definitely an internet wasteland.

This was a true hunker down day which was good because I had a lot of decisions to make and things to pack to take along to the QOVC National sew day tomorrow. Weather was helpful in our decision to settle into movies.