Boxed in by the rain     [Dec 29, 2023]

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The inbox and in the box.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

The inbox. As George Carlin might have said "What box. I don't see a box. Where's the box.".

In the box is a little easier to spot. It's right there on the floor next to Lee's desk and it is the second last box of stuff we brought from Edmonton. The end is in sight.

Rain drops keep faling on my - window. Fortunately not my head, as the song would say. A grey day, with a little lighter cloudy sky on the mainland. Gloomy. Lots of geese enjoying the calm waters of the estuary. Now, by lots of geese I am estimating over 200. As I count them, one pops up having been in underwater. Was it one I counted further down the waterway There is at least one Bufflehead in here too. Oh! and 4 Snow Geese. Eagle was on the lookout tree for awhile too. A lonely Canada Goose is gliding along the waters behind us. You can't even see his feet paddling. What a magnificent location to be settled in.

Inside, we are listening to our favourite 97.3 The Eagle radio station out here. I'm still undecided as to what I will attack today.

Oh there are projects called UFO's that are calling. UFO UnFInished Objects. (not counting how many). I've settled on catching up on the blog. In my research for other information I found the Cree word for Edmonton meaning "beaver mountain house" or amiskwaciw skahikan. Amisk is cree for beaver.