Chuck the delivery truck     [Oct 26, 2023]

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Busy around the Schooner

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee thinks that Chuck knows how to get to the Oceanside Medical Centre without Lee having to steer. He's been there a number of times this week delivering lab tests for analysis. Luckily it is only a couple of clicks from home.

Lab tests and general movement are indicating the old body is slowly getting over whatever has been bothering me. There was an interesting comment given to me, when I spoke with the Lab tech, besides noting that I must provide at least 30ml sample. The previous sample was short - but that was all I had to pee. She noted that the last sample appeared to be diluted. I was quite taken aback. That implied I added water to my sample to fill it to the marked line. I'm still stunned - I was hurting - why would I mess with my sample. It's my life and my comfort that is impacted - I am not about to screw that up. Another sample was dropped off.

The day ended on a better note, as we headed to the Dutch store for a few goodies.

After a delicious home cooked Nasi style dinner (Chef Lee made), we settled into Golden Earring CD's and are catching up on the blog.