Wednesday Night Fever     [Oct 25, 2023]

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Those old VW ads.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee was scanning old VW advertisements that we had collected over the years. There were many catchy phrases from the 70's collection such as 'Ugly is only skin deep' and 'Don't laugh' (a VW Beetle police cruiser).

We had dinner at mom's and then watched the conclusion to the Bee Gees documentary. What a story about that musical family.

Back to clear sunny skies. It is, however, very cool outside. Still going through the daytimers, digital recording of the day timers, noting events we experienced through the years. Currently into 2009 July.

It was also time to defrost the fridge and freezer. A necessary chore, steaming the frost out of the small freezer is tedious, but looks clean and frost free now. Sore lower back is not an issue now, so perhaps my issues were not bladder related.