An otter, some deer and a bunch of hockey players     [Oct 14, 2023]

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Last goal wins.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We are getting into the routine of staying at Surfside now, even if it's only the second day. We have already seen an otter basking on the opposite shore of the estuary and a trio of black-tailed deer feeding further into the estuary.

We went to our first Oceanside Generals game tonight. It will be a bit more challenging for the team this year, but they did win 7-6 in overtime, so our in-attendance winning streak stays intact. It was so nice to hook up with the Van Herk and Von Lintel families again.

A few familiar faces and smiles and greetings as we took the short walk to the sea wall. No changes there. Many of the resort RV's are quiet, very similar to the prairie beach towns or cottage country where the warm summers draw the families from the cities. Ron and Cami are still settled in a couple of doors down, and the usual banter has begun. The wind is blowing today, not something we have felt for a while. Tonight the Schooner has a wee rocking feeling. We'll sleep well, I'm sure.

It was great to sit in the same section at the hockey game as the past years, with the same folks around us. Feels like home. Comfortable.