Calm and smells like cherries.     [Apr 14, 2021]

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Biggs see our digs.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee spent the morning doing some more tasks to get ready for our upcoming trip to the prairies. The weather was fabulous.

After lunch, Barb and Ted Biggs stopped by for a quick visit. They were on their way to Pacific Rim. Again an opportunity to catch up with some friends after way too long a gap in time.

Lez stretches: A lot of sitting at the sewing machine that is a free-motion quilting machine. Artsy fartsy. Working on a project that will be shared soon. Thoroughy enjoing the sunny warm weather - with nary a breath of wind. Did some hand stitchery finshing touches on a couple of other projects - outside at the picnic table! A scent in the air tonight - the cherry blossoms perhaps. They are very prolific and SO beautifully in bloom at the moment. It was great to see Barb and Ted, another Macarena. Through the Biggs today, we met another quilter here in Surfside. Unfortunately, with the meeting restrictions, a lot of quilters were unable to use the clubhouse facilities and have our social sewing bees. Next year, if restrictions to the US are lifted - many will be back to Phoenix for winter, but not all.some enjoyed the Parksville and Island winter. Our plans will have us here at Surfside.