Scoping the fresh water tank.     [Apr 12, 2021]

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Geezer Rock.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee started working on the chores list of things to do before we leave. He scoped the fresh water tank. No, not with a camera, but rather with a shot of Scope mouthwash to freshen up the tank.

It was the first day of a week of nice weather according to the internet. It it 13c today with full sunshine; a great time to share a beer and stories with the neighbour.

Lez pulls out a box: Time to go through all those things we took along "just in case" they were needed. LOL - ok, went thru some for the last time, scanned a few of the items, kept a few and made a pile of "share" with anyone who wants them. More boxes to go through. I may check with the office (or our rules and regs) to see if putting the picnic table out front with quilt related "stuff" to give away to a new home is allowed! We have a couple of weeks to get ready to hit the road again!

We enjoyed a cheese fondue for dinner, and as always coversation goes everywhere. As we listened to the radio and its 70's and 80's classic rock, I came up with a new phrase. "Geezer Rock!".