Retired folks on a Monday     [Feb 22, 2021]

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Lazy us, working hard.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

This was a lazy day. Late to rise and a lazy breakfast. We did get busy though. Lez defrosted the fridge and Lee installed slide soccer balls, got groceries and re-arranged the back of the truck.

Phew! That's enough. We had a great salmon dinner and settled in without using the internet too much (our data usage is high this month and we have six days to go).

Lez laughs: Lazy but easy home made bacon and egger muffins. A good start to the chore of defrosting. Fortunately it's a small fridge. The freezer works well, but the cooling unit frosts up thickly and takes time and some "assistance" to remove the frosted build up. And of course, that morphs to a floor to wash, and the vacuum coming out to see daylight.