Ester, the Estuary Monster     [Jan 4, 2021]

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OK, that's getting close to the Schooner.

Atkinson Lake The Signed Log

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

It was immediately obvious when we got up that this was the highest tide we had encountered since coming to Surfside. It was enough that the second level of banks was under water and the water was a few feet from the crushed stone pad on which the Schooner sits. We went out and took a few photos and Lez donned her gg-rubber boots and dipped into the water. Our neighbour was afraid that their favourite log on their part of the bank would float away. It turned a full 180 degrees but stayed on the bank as the water receded. Shortly thereafter, Lee went up to the medical center to have some lab work done, with hopes that he could have it sent to Edmonton and his own physician. But, no such luck. He will have to fax it himself once they send it to our Surfside address.

Lez loading a fresh battery in the camera as fast as she can: What a tide! Yes - wayyy higher than we've seen. The scary thing is that it isn't an all-time high. But it does show that yes, all those shore logs were deposited by tide waters. 86 pictures taken. Yes, some will be culled out. Maybe. Tonight's dinner - leftover cabbage rolls - always great! Now, as I type, I am keeping one eye on the Man - as he is making little sponge cakes for our strawberries and whipping cream later. Yes, RV-living. The crab legs will be another meal this week. I hope the rain goes away long enough for us to walk the sea wall without rain-slickers. We don't have rain slickers.