A long haul across British Columbia.
We left Parksville at 5:00 am to catch the first ferry to Horseshoe Bay. Our car is loaded to the gills, but we got it all in. Alec had caught a ferry yesterday and got home last night.
As we left Parksville we reminisced about all the memories of that place. There are now no Worel family members left in Parksville.
We stopped briefly as needed and drove all the way to Golden BC. The weather was nice, mostly sunshine, and we made good time.
We are carrying two of dad Worel's canoe paddles that Ralph had inherited. The bigger one always seems to want to come through between the seats and give us a nudge. Is that Milow or Ralph talking to us
We were awake at an ungodly hour LOL by my standards, but there were no complaints. We wanted to get home, and an old familiar phrase came to mind, let's blow this popsicle stand.
Weather cooperated and traffic flowed nicely. We were packed to the gills, (bet you did not know a Tiguan has gills).