Snow day in Parksville     [Dec 18, 2022]

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OK Chuck, switch to four wheel drive.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee thinks he knows why he lazed in bed way longer than usual. The answer was outside the Schooner windows - a dump of snow. Time to find the winter boots and windshield scraper.

It was before noon before Lee headed up the hill to the grocery store but there were already a dozen or more kids tobogganing down the hillside.

Lee took a side trip through the Parksville Park on the way home. It was mostly deserted. A flock of sea gulls were hunkered down in the snow. They looked cold.

SO! SNOW! It appears that Mother Nature is wanting us to feel at home. We understand the kids in Edmonton have received a similar dumping. Thanks Ma - but no thanks! Lee took Chuck up the hill for a few groceries and we have no plans to even open the door. We are expecting a low of -7C this week, and a peek of sunshine on Wednesday. After that - rain and more rain. THIS is a wet coast, er, west coast winter. And my boots are way at the back and bottom of stuff in the truck. Hikers will have to do!