Val Marie campground     [Sep 20, 2020]

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Family dinner was a hit.

Val Marie Campground (1 star)

We woke up to rain and wind. No problem, we're staying another day anyways. Lez made a fabulous pancake breakfast and we settled into our cozy home for the day. In the late afternoon we had our first, truly remote family dinner. It worked great. The five of us shared laughs and stories as if we were around the same table. Later that evening, Lez took some photos of the crescent moon. It is clear now and we are ready to move to the East Block.

Lez agrees: what a great family dinner, a la remote! It was good to see the kids and hear the laughter! We had fondue, yes we are truly suffering out here, and the kids ordered in their pizza. BUT what was so freaky, but truly cool, was our choices of wine! We had both selected the Tinhorn Creek Cab Franc from our cellars!