Maple Creek to Oyen     [Aug 24, 2020]

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Nothing happened in Oyen.

Map - Maple Creek to Oyen

Saokii Campground, Oyen (1 star)

Today was a hot drive through the ranchlands, wheat fields and badlands of south-east Alberta. We vowed to return to Sandy Point campground on the South Saskatchewan River. And then we arrived in Oyen, the butt of many RV jokes early on in our RV lives. It was fine, we parked in a pull-through site, turned on the air conditioning and slowed right down.

Lez smiles: OK, Oyen isn't so bad after all! It has an A and W! The unit beside us had some noisy engine running - I couldn't determine if a generator or something else - not as loud as many if it was. Anyway, I cranked up Streetheart CD on the outside speaker while we cooked up the steaks on the Bar-B.