Katepwa Beach     [Aug 13, 2020]

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At the point.

South Katepwa RV Park (2 stars)

Great morning after the previous evening's rain and lightning. Lee got to use that special handle that attaches the portable sewer tank to the hitch on Chuck. Chuck was embarrassed! Three trips later all the tanks were empty. We then hung up the screen room for the second time, but this time with pegs. I think we are getting the hang of it, pun intended. Mary and Richard arrived for a visit and tour. After that, we all went to Katepwa Beach to hook up with Peter and Marg. We then staged a photo to resemble one which Opa Zwaal had taken circa 1962. It was great! Lez stood in for Oma Zwaal and Marg stood in (laid in actually) for Karin. Lee and Peter played themselves. Mary was our photographer - great job done too! Richard and Mary left for Regina from there and we spent the next number of hours at Peter and Marg's trailer. We had a great time! We left for home around 9 PM and settled in.

Lez sighs: It was a super day. As Lee was busy hauling poo (LOL), I followed up on the bicycle and got a couple of action photos.

Lez recovering from the stony beach: Ouch on the feet!

A lazy evening with Marg and Piet - more pictures of the squirrels and birds. Too many clouds to see any meteor showers.