Royal Alberta Museum     [Sep 6, 2021]

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How big were those dinosaurs anyways.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park, AB (2 stars)

Lee is impressed with the Royal Alberta Museum displays, not just the 36 meter quilt we had come to see. The nature dioramas are particularly impressive and remind Lee of the dioramas in the museum in Regina that he visited as a young boy.

Lez is in awe: The Quilt of Belonging - Its 263 blocks portray the rich cultural legacies of all the First Peoples in Canada and every nation of the world at the dawn of the new Millennium. What a marvel. We also toured the section of the museum that features nature. It includes so much that we were in that section for about two hours! The dinosaur section included many samples and re-creations of the plant and wildlife millenia ago. Comparisons between then and now, and a couple of video displays showing just how many times and how each Alaska/Russia land mass was above and below sea level. I had assumed only once. I lost count of the actual, ad was amazed and how different each cycle was. Our pictures only touch the surface of the vast information there. The human side of the life will have to wait for another visit to be explored!