Lez's pita chips fill the Schooner with wonderful aromas     [Jun 26, 2022]

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Finishing touches.

Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)

Lee spends most of today on finishing touches. It's also time to move things back in now that the floor is done. He feels the departure time is near; he's getting antsy to go.

It's probably a good time to go also because the poplar pollen is getting seriously thick. Not a nice situation getting that fluff into everything.

Our last Sunday in Edmonton until September. Lee has put most of the finishing touches on the new flooring - including the slide out floor. Much simpler than I had anticipated. My table has been returned to its location looking out my back window - big grin. Hobbes now has his basket back on the table too. We will be around for another day to finish off the rest of the "lipstick" - baseboards. It has been wonderful to be able to be docked close to all the places where we could get any construction supplies and tools needed. A very big thank you to our hosts.

It was a good day to make pita chips - quick munchies on the road. I also defrosted the fridge - before the cooling flanges ALL frosted up. (It is not a self defrost fridge - a note to those purchasing - get the self defroster). Amazing what you find as items are pulled out. Yes, there were a few growing surprises. Habits of buying more than needed still need fine tuning since the boys and ourselves lived in the big house. Deals still look like a deal, and best before dates are not always next year.

We now plan to leave Tuesday and are anxious to begin the Summer of '22 adventures. What sights and adventures will our travel behold this summer! We would like to make it through northern Sask and into Manitoba and back to Edmonton briefly and then working our way to the Island in October. Looking forward to touching base with friends and family along the way.