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Sewing machines humming, email issues fuming.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee notes that issues are popping up (pun intended) when sending email. Our technical support (Alec) has been contacted and he pretty much knows what's going on. It may be time to make some serious IT moves.

Another cold and gloomy world outside. A great day to quilt! I was going to share the process of making a quilt for those unfamiliar with the process and somewhat surprised what a quilter would charge for a project that easily adds up to 40 hours of his or her time. Fabric and thread extra.

I have decided that the 400 word count description that would scroll down the blog is better used for something a little more interesting.

I was immersed in my happy space sewing up a storm using the sewing machine and mid-arm quilting machine to make a small quilt (not a blanket) for the Parksville Quilt Guild's comfort quilt committee.