Meanwhile at the quilt retreat     [Jan 18, 2023]

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Sleeping accomodations were in the same building, and I shared a bedroom with another quilter. No TV out here, not that any of us missed it. We were busy quilting or reading or going walkabout to the lake. We set up design walls - a sheet of flannel where quilt blocks can be stuck to the flannel nicely, as the quilt layout plan is tested, and the quilt comes to life. The quilters help each other with layout, ensuring things like the same colored block is not right next to another same block. We were also very ready to share supplies if someone was short of anything. There was rarely a quiet moment, and the hum of sewing machines, laughter and chatter was a beautiful sound.

Tonight was strip Poker night. Yup. Each of us came to the table with 6 - 2.5 inch wide strips of fabric. Each quilter has a chance to roll the 2 dice. One dice sends a strip to the left, and one to the right - or you hold on to the strips if the zero comes up. Then the dice go to the next person to roll and try to deplete her stash. When you run out of strips, you are out of the game. This continues until all strips end up in front of one quilter. Fortunately another rule is the stipulation of the main colour of all the strips so there is a chance of coordinating them in a project.