A ferry ride from Vancouver Island to Quadra Island took me, the truck and quilter Nancy, another quilter to Homewood Camp. 36 quilters gathered for the week brought along their sewing machines, totes of fabric and other items needed to cut, measure, pin and baste. Volunteers helped us unload and bring our rolling suitcases and totes into the facility. Today was a travel day as I first headed to Nanoose in the dark to pick up a fellow quilter. Nancy and I are headed to Quadra Island and we had a ferry schedule to keep. Well, fog decided to drop in and we sat for a couple of hours before actually getting to the island and Homewood. Chuck is loaded to the gills with personal belongings (we provide our sheets or sleeping bags and pillow) along with sewing machines, plastic totes and tubs of fabric and all the acoutrements - threads, pins, scissors, patterns, and the appropriate amounts of nutricious "wink" food to keep us nourished between meals to keep up the energy needed to transform the meters of fabric into quilts. We were settled onto our designated tables shortly after 10 a.m.