Weighing out.
Map - Acheson to StettlerStettler Town Campground (2 stars)
Today was the day. The actual day on which Lez and I believe our cross-Canada adventure started. First we weighed in with both Chuck and the Schooner. Then we headed south on Highway 60, through Devon, on to Leduc and we left the metro Edmonton area for a while (maybe a long while). Around lunch time we drove through Lacombe to see the tail end of a farmers market. Just enough time to grab lunch from a food truck. Then a short hop to Stettler. It's a nice, quiet campground, just the way we like it.
Lez smiles: We've named our nav system voice "Sally" as we headed out this morning. Lee's nav system came up zippidy-do complete with "the voice"! OMG if the the voice was a real person she would have been exclaiming "WTF you two - why are you ignoring every direction I give you!" OK so we put in our destination, but did not include another weigh in - which is 180 degrees from the direction of our destination. We left it that way and headed out - and just had to chuckle at all the re-calculations. As we headed out of the city on the start of the real adventure, I suggested "Sally" for our nav voice. A take on an old term - "to sally forth" which means to set out on an adventure. And that we are!
Settled into the Town of Stettler Campground. Not too busy, very clean, very nice.