A rainbow delight.
Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)
Lee has never seen a triple rainbow before. There was the more common double rainbow where they are more or less parallel to each other. But, today there was a third one coming out of the end of one of them at an angle. The rain drops in the air, combined with an amazing sunset, must have been just right for that.
Lez marvels at the colours of Mother Nature: no enhancement needed for these pictures as the brilliance of the rainbows was beautiful. Will keep them all even if we don't use in the blog - there will be a need to inspire or share a great photo that has not already been shared.
The second small window in the bedroom is now covered with a new fabric curtain. Next windows - main floor.
We just went out for our nightly walk LOL to take out the garbage. No wind, no rain, few clouds and an almost full moon. It is in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The 18th will be a Full Moon. I know - you were just thinking that! Oh - the duck of the day is an American Widgeon. GRIN.