Chuck 'n Bro.
Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)
Well, today was the day. We picked up our new truck Chuck. But first, Lez's brother Ralph came for a visit. He is on his way to Saskatchewan from his home in the lower mainland in BC. Then, we finally got Chuck. Just a little bigger than Charlie. He rides like a big truck! We came back home and enjoyed wine, cheezies and other goodies with the Zeisslers. Brittany unload the pallet with the Curt hitch in it so Lee can assemble it tomorrow.
Lez muses: Went to the local Dynalife location for a blood test - at 7:30 a.m. Waiting room full, seats in the hall full, and one person was also waiting in the foyer, I think I'll try Fri/Sat a.m. at 6 when they open!