A biking we will go.
Port Ordze, Sherwood Park AB (2 stars)
Lee headed out for what might be the last biking day with Janice Fendall. They biked all over west Edmonton between 215 St. and 231 St. They also had a chance to see two old ATCO friends, Barb Thomas and Aliette Mau. When they got back to Janice's house, they were about 60 seconds before a huge downpour. While Lee was away, Lez visited with Kim Casky and vacuumed the Schooner. Later, we received a hopeful email that our new truck, Chuck, might only be about three weeks away.
Lez and Hobbes note: downpour Buckets of water! And WIND! the Schooner felt like it was on the high seas!