Berry pickin'.
Map - Karau acreage to Katepwa BeachKatepwa RV Park, Katepwa Beach, SK (2 stars)
Lee headed out early for the raspberry patch. A really big patch and filled with fruit. The it was raspberries no toast. Delicious.
Lee notes that Google Maps does not yet have the ability to harvest highway 'conditions'. He is sure it will come eventually. In all our travels we have never backed up down a highway and chosen another route. But SK highway 22 west of Esterhazy gets the prize. We made it about one kilometer down the road and knew it was not going to work out. Used a farm access to turn around and head back to the previous highway.
We had a nice time with Pete and Marg, including a video call with Karin and Marlin in Hawaii. The yellow finches were around to entertain us.
Karau's freshly picked raspberries and some fresh farm honey on toast this morning! AFTER taking a great photo of the sunrise! We had a super visit with Joyce, and wish her and Dan all the best in selling that 40 acres and beautiful home. It is hard to describe the calm and tranquility of the countryside they live on.
We then headed west and north, aiming for a Katepwa RV campground and connecting with Lee's brother Peter and wife Marg. We tried to avoid the non-paved roads again, and had to back track as one hwy that was supposed to be paved was not in RV suitable condition with alternating gravel and 'surfaced' sections. We stopped to inspect the inside of the Schooner and had some major moving of items that have not 'travelled' inside before. We think it may be because we now have the vinyl planking instead of carpeting so furniture does slide with every road bump. However, that is no excuse for the lousy roads. We took it easy and joined Pete and Marg a little later than anticipated.
We are now docked just off the golf course at Katepwa - at the 9th hole. If we get bored tomorrow we can sip on our wine and give a golf crowd hand clapping as the players swing on through.