Streetheart     [Jul 31, 2022]

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We see Streetheart in concert for the 40th time.

Well, where to start. Kathy Gutheil had arranged with Lez to get together before their show at 6 pm. They did a sound check at 3 pm and we promptly joined them back stage and got main stage passes from Jeff Neill.

We spent the next couple of hours sitting around picnic tables close to their dressing room trailer, chatting about everything under the sun. Members of Honeymoon Suite wandered by saying hello (all these Canadian Rockers know each other).

Then it was show time. This was our 40th Streetheart gig and the first one where we did not stand in front of the stage. We heard and saw the entire concert standing on stage left, along with Kathy and Kim. What an amazing vantage point to see a concert. For Lee, a completely different angle from which to watch the boys 'work'. Lez wandered over to the left side speakers and next thing you know she is in front between the crowd fence and stage taking photos like the other authorized photographers.

We may be biased, but the band sounded amazing. At the end of one song, I looked over at Bill Henderson from the band Chilliwack and he mouthed 'Wow!' at me. Yup, they were great.

Lee spent most of the set with Kathy Gutheil and Kim at the side of the stage. It was great to see the large crowd get into the music with Paul McNair leading them on. Lee had been in the crowd countless times singing along on 'One More Time', but it was so amazing to hear the crowd sing along from back stage. Definitely a set we will not forget for a long time.

As they played, members of Chilliwack and Honeymoon Suite would come and go to watch some of the performance.

When they were done and changed, we met again on the picnic tables and talked for another couple of hours. We actually missed the entire Chilliwack set, who had followed Streetheart on the night.

The time came for all of the members to go their various ways, some to Regina, some back to Winnipeg. After many hugs and hand shakes, promises to get together again when possible, it was over.

We had the SUPER evening that was totally unexpected and will be one of the best memories ever! To spend the day with the members of Streetheart and the feeling of a friendship that will continue on.

These are friends with jobs in the entertainment industry. To be able to hear their stories, their reality of a lot of travel, time away from home and loved ones, the things we just don't even think about as we sing along to their songs, whoop and holler, clap and cheer as one with the crowd who are all here to see and hear a band and music of our teen years that has carried us from 17 through to our 70's!

And that was only part of the day's memories that will put smiles on our faces forever. Getting a little green card from a band member to hang on the lanyard around our necks that gave us stage access while the band played was an honour!

I was able to record in photographs so many moments that will keep that quiet smile going.