It's rainy and cold.
Irvins RV Park, Valemount BC (2 stars)
Lee has never seen Lez up at 4:50 am taking photos before, he thinks. Lee woke up and noticed a brilliant sunrise out his bedroom window. Next thing you know, Lez is laying on his side of the bed snapping photos of that sunrise.
Luckily we both went back to bed afterwards. What an un-godly hour.
Lee spent most of the day on the computer, owing to the crappy weather. The upside was getting the Wordle in two tries and the downside was the Oilers game.
Shhhh. Don't tell anyone - I will deny it! Oh well, I WAS taking photos at 4:50 am this morning. Spectacular!
I spent time at the sewing machine today. A couple of the curtains still needed to be hemmed, and the bedroom closet curtains needed a wee slider adjustment. Check off another chore (self inflicted idea to replace the blinds) done.
It's amazing how so many things fall into place. One big example is the use of Zoom. I am a member of two quilt guilds and am not near either of the cities to attend them, for most of my year. Along comes Covid 19 and meetings continue as easy virtual gatherings. Last night I was at the Edmonton and District Quilt Guild's monthly meeting - catching up with quilter friends, sharing ideas and enjoying the video as our presenters Shelly and Bernie with their "Easy Precision Piecing" product that allows you to piece quilt sections without using pins to stabilize the fabric (you only need to stab yourself once with a straight pin when working on white fabric to appreciate the product!).