Waiting around Parksville     [Mar 28, 2024]

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Filling every little nook and cranny.

VIP Motel, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We spent a few hours when it wasn't raining starting to really pack Chuck with our possessions. The trick was to put something in every available space, no matter how small.

There seems to be so much left to pack. Trying to stay positive.

75,000 KMS and Chuck is still getting us to where we want to go without hesitation. It is one reliable automobile!

Chef Boy - Our Lee is cooking up a storm for dinner. Lots of pots banging and clanging going on. As always it will be so good! Sue Chef at his side. Ahh, dinner and a hockey game! Oilers on TV.

Nothing like the good ol' hockey game to bring the return to Edmonton to the forefront of our minds.