Storage units and motel rooms     [Mar 16, 2024]

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Packing and purging.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We need to wait until after Lee's dental work is finished, which is April 8. So, in the meantime, Lee arranged for a storage location for our possessions and a motel room with kitchenette for the duration of our stay in Parksville.

Lee had some chores to take care of so he dropped me off at mom's. We had a visit that brought back lots of memories of growing up in Regina, both hers and mine.

We are checking out storage places as we have some items that we can't carry in the pickup. We will need something to haul it back to Edmonton in. Booked a storage locker and hit up McD's for lunch. Now more packing. We will still be around until mid April, so a motel has been booked to get us thru.