Where's the napkins     [Jan 25, 2024]

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The rink is colder inside than outside.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We headed into Nanaimo in the afternoon and purchased some groceries. Before heading to the Generals game against the Buccaneers, we decided to stop at Mickey Dee's for a bite.

So, some municipalities have enacted curious by-laws and Nanaimo is not short of them. But the latest one takes the take (careful not to get it on your cheek or chin). Restaurants can no longer provide napkins along with the salt, pepper, sugar packets, and the drink straws. You will only get one or two if you specifically ask for them.

Hey Nanaimo! You look really stupid!

Excitement! We have our garbage sitting on the hood of Chuck, as we will drop it in the refuse bins when we head out shortly. Well! The Glaucus Gulls are scavengers and decided that was going to be their lunch. It is windy, it is raining, it is cold and The Man took one for the team and had quite a standoff with said gull who was not going to leave lunch behind.