How to make a story interesting and make people laugh     [Jan 23, 2024]

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Ralph at his best.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We had a final get-together at mom's place before Ralph and Simona leave for Mexico where they will stay for more than two months. Mom brought in supper and we were joined by Herb and Jan.

The stories were flowing, mostly flowing from Ralph who seemed to have his story hat securely on. Riding unruly horses, crossing the Straits of Juan de Fuca in total darkness in his boat, and many more.

A great night with family. My cousin Herb and wife Jan are prairie folk too and shared stories of their life in Saskatchewan, way back.

Jan is quite the painter, her artwork can be viewed in the McMillan Arts Centre in Parksville.

Ralph shared many stories and adventures in life that I was not aware of - as he was still a young'un when Lee and I got married and we did a lot of travelling.