So this is winter     [Dec 21, 2023]

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Some mountains peeking through.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

English is a strange choice to be the language of the world, but let's thank Bill Gates for that. Take today's blog phrase - is that peek or is that peak (or is it both).

Despite the cloud cover for most of the day, the temperature reached almost +10c and with no wind. No wonder people move out here.

We had a great Christmas dinner at Tigh-Na-Mara with mom, Ralph, Simona, Herb and Jan. We're lucky to have family nearby and enjoy their company.

Yes to both - as the mountain peaks peek out over the island.

Thank you mom and Ralph for the dinner. What great dinner conversations.

It took awhile for my dinner to come, but eventually it arrived. When the server came to ask how our dinners were, I asked where mine was. Apparently the first plate contents hit the floor and they had to redo my serving, but didn't let me know. At least I had time to take a few photos of our evening. In all the photos we took, we didn't get one of Lee or Lee and I.