Running from the truck to the door     [Oct 17, 2023]

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Rain, rain, go away.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

It was raining later in the morning and continued all day and all night. The forecast is for three more days of it. Welcome to the wet coast.

We had supper with mom and Ralph at her place. There were hockey games on the TV but Lee found it strangely unexciting compared to being at a live game. Maybe it's because he cannot smell the rink and hear the swish of skates on the ice.

Yes, the "Wet Coast" is not a typo, but an earned badge worn by those who live here. We are quite high and dry - the Surfside development planners and crew were certainly aware of high tide and major rain effects on the estuary shores.

We have been spoiled over the years, with live hockey. Now, it may be a junior league, but still live hockey. The TV screen only shows what the camera can follow - and I like to know what's going on outside that window. Also, sitting with a player's family has its perks and insight and inside stories too. Game On!