Wrrr, hmmm, zmmm, repeat.     [Apr 2, 2021]

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Nothing going on around here.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

Lee spent a good portion of the day scanning more photos. The end is in sight!

Lez plays duelling sewing machines: I had both sewing machines on the go today as I prepped a quilt backing and stitched a bit more on a small project. We also did some grocery shopping - boring is it not! A blog of mundane daily chores. Yes, living in an RV is pretty much just like living in a house - laundry, vacuuming, meals, dishes, garbage. We are living in Surfside at the moment, and when we "move" at the end of the month, we just take our house with us!

I did some photo clearing off the laptop, some renaming of files, a mixed day. "Thank you Cami" for the delicious carrot loaf dessert tonight! We have great neighbours.