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No more sticky valve.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

It was time again to empty the tanks. The black tank valve no works very smoothly (but small leak means a gasket needs to be changed). All in all, a step forward. We were invited to mom's for dinner, which was very much enjoyed, and followed by a hockey game. A great end to the day.

Lez was busy: So today I was up and ready for a social media call at 10 am, (ok it's early for me!) and the Quilts of Valour committee discussed the success of our upcoming national sew day, and came up with strategy to work around our Zoom Room which is is full a week before the sew day! A great crew managed to come up solutions and they have it all underway. We ended our day with dinner at mom's - and came home with half a coconut cream pie she made from scratch! We all enjoyed the Vancouver/Ottawa game. Canucks won. We had hoped to catch the Oilers but it was only pay-per-view. Back to the RV, catch up on emails and off to bed!