Scared Up the Deer on the Seawall     [Nov 28, 2020]

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Still no fresh bison.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We went for a few things up the hill this morning. The shop still did not have fresh bison so we settled for frozen instead. We spent the better part of the day with Lez sewing and Lee working towards an acceptable website. We went for a walk in the evening along the seawall. As we wandered, a deer on the path jumped a few fences right beside us. Back for coffee and a snort of port, Lee had a brainwave and uncovered a fix to the website. Let's code that tomorrow.

Lez in her happy place: Quilting. Well sewing on the mid-arm quilting machine - making postcards! Am enjoying the "doodles" and warming up using the machine, as I do have a couple of projects that require the free-motion thread play.

Our walk along the seawall path was very well lit by a full moon! The white rocks really stood out and lit our pathway too! No wind, not too cold. Still, it's ski jacket and big mitten weather! The RV's are starting to be quite decorated with the Christmas theme. I hadn't even considered doing that!