Flushed it all Away     [Nov 16, 2020]

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Still loving them after all these years.

Surfside RV Resort, Parksville BC (2 stars)

We decided today was laundry day, so we gathered it up and Lez took it down to the laundry facilities in Surfside. Meanwhile, Lee decided to do some serious flushing (pun intended) of the black waste tank. Five cycles of complete filling with water followed by complete emptying seems to have done the job. Grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches, which we have enjoyed since being kids, were there to carry us into the evening. And all the while, the rain came down.

Lez moans: Yes, even an RV continuous "holiday" experience brings one down to earth. Segway to "True Earth" laundry sheets! Space being a premium, we found these, and they work, and beat lugging large detergent containers. So endeth the sales pitch. Vacuuming still also has to be done.

In reality we are not holidaying. We are living - in the same living quarters, just changing the yard from time to time. Right now, I do love our yard - and the vast and ever changing estuary and all the wildlife it showcases daily.